Privacy Policy

As a law firm and employer, Keller Landsberg PA is keenly aware of the sensitive nature of the various personal data that enters our office. The only personally identifiable data we actively maintain is information shared with us in the course and scope of both providing legal services and employing or contracting others to help us provide those services. We do not intentionally collect data on individuals or entities for any type of marketing. We do, however, track IP information for two purposes: (1) to block potentially malicious attention to our website, and (2) to better understand through analytics what information on our website provides more value to our site visitors.

Do Not Send Us Unsolicited Confidential Information

While we welcome inquiries about potential representation, please do not send any confidential information about any matter before we agree to represent you in that matter or we request information. Pursuant to Opinion 07-3, dated January 16, 2009, any information sent to us unilaterally may not be treated as confidential information and, depending on the circumstances, could be used against the person sending the information. Accordingly, before sending any confidential information to us, please contact us so that we may determine if we have any conflicts of interest and if we are otherwise able to represent you.